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He apply for recertification audit by QS, QS certificate to the issuance of the Division I

发布日期:2015-4-3    阅读数:17005

our company as QS already licensing business, according to the new requirements of certificate authentication, related audit agency The agency's commission, the company's production sites, the necessary production equipment and testing equipment necessary to the new standard for a new round of assessment, annual results after passing the relevant agencies to issue our new QS certification. We will in the next work, good quality and safety checks discipline of this threshold, persistent efforts to further improve product quality and production efficiency.

Color Printing Co., Ltd. Guangdong Midea Roth
Department of Management
April 26, 2014

Anbu text in the industrial zone, Chaoshan Road, Chao'an, Chao'zhou,Guangdong Province


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